Tuesday, December 7, 2010

                            WEDNESDAY WARS - Chapter December                                                                                    

I know a text to text about Holling Hoodhood's situation, but not exact. First of all, Holling's situation was just about meeting his hero, but his hero just had to break Holling's heart. While Holling had rushed from his play to the Sporting Emporium, he forgot to bring his baseball to get it signed. So, the bus driver was kind enough and gave Holling a pure white baseball that had been left on the bus. Although that wasn't the best thing, the best thing was, that since Holling was in his costume, he forgot his wallet and the bus driver gave him a free ride because he realized how cold it was. After I tell you what happens, you would think that the bus driver was more of a hero than Mickey Mantle. So, as Holling ran in side of the Emporium, he saw his hero Mickey Mantle and Holling was so surprised that he was stuttering to ask Mickey Mantle to sign his baseball. Once he asked, Mickey Mantle refused to sign his baseball because Holling was wearing yellow tights with a hidious costume. Holling started crying a river and his friend saw him and stood up for him. Since his friend got his baseball signed, he just threw it on the ground because he didn't admire him anymore. Gary D Schmidt was able to SHOW us how Holling felt, since he was let down by his own hero, but then the author gave us a happy picture in our mind because Holling's friend was there to stick up for him.

My reflection of a text to text with this chapter is about a movie that I saw. It was about these seven boys that loved baseball, but they especially loved this baseball player named Babe Ruth. In this movie, Babe Ruth wasn't alive, but he popped up in one of the boys dreams as his room started shacking. So Babe Ruth was talking to the boy about some rough things that was happening, but as Babe Ruth was leaving from the dream, the boy had asked him a question, but Babe Ruth didn't give a specific answer and the boy felt sad because he knew that what happened would never happen again.
               By: Tiffany.H


1 comment:

  1. Great job relating! I think I saw that baseball movie the other day. In a way it was kind of the same because both of the stories had a famous person in it.
