Wednesday, December 8, 2010

    Meeting Mickey

Wouldn't it just feel so amazing and heart racing to meet your favourite actor? Maybe a singer, dancer, or an athlete? Unfortunately for Holling Hoodhood, meeting famous Yankees baseball player Mickey Mantle, wasn't everything he had hoped for. Holling was the last to get his baseball signed, but unlike other fans, showed up wearing bright yellow tights with feathers on the butt, and a blue cape. This was because he had just come back from a Shakespeare play. Because of Holling's attire, Mickey had thought he was gay and would not sign his baseball, and tossed it onto the floor, got up, and had said that he was done for the night. Holling was left in shock, nearly about to cry. Something similar happened to me when I was about three years old. My family and I had gone to Disney Land on summer, and I was getting autographs from all of Walt Disney's famous characters. Of course they were just some sweaty people in suits on a scorching day, but I didn't care. I still wanted autographs. After getting Daisy and Donald Duck's signature, Goofy and Pluto's signature, Minnie Mouse's and a whole bunch of other characters' signatures, I headed to line up to get Mickey Mouse's signature. Ironically, just like Holling, I was the last in line, and was getting an autograph from some famous "Mickey". There I was in line, waiting…waiting…and waiting as patient as ever. Finally the little blonde girl in front of me was getting her signature and photos with Mickey. After she left, I took a step toward Mickey with a smile on my face, and a blue book in my hand. The big smile on my face turned into salty tears rolling down my cheeks as Mickey and his two staff workers got up and headed for…well I don't know what it was, but I'm sure it was the change room. "OKAY! THAT WAS THE LAST ONE!" one of the staff shouted. Wait…WHAT?!? What on Earth was this?! Mickey Mouse couldn't give one last autograph to the ONLY little kid left in line? Well, that was fun…not. My mom saw what happened, and gathered me in her arms trying to comfort me. Unlike Holling, I wasn't just about to cry, and held in my tears. I was a three year old for crying out loud! Of course I cried! Even my mom started yelling to them, asking if Mickey could please sign one last book. No. No mercy shown whatsoever. They didn't even look back when I started crying! Some Mickey they've got there. I thought Mickey was supposed to be caring and fun. Eventually I did get a signature from another guy dressed up in a Mickey suit during sometime of the trip, and was pleased with all the rides and attractions. Now that nine years has passed since that experience, I don't care much for sweaty people in suits. Unless they really are a famous celebrity inside...well that's a different story.

- Christine

1 comment:

  1. Christine, that was a great post. That Mickey was SO mean! I bet he got fired affter that when his boss heard about it. And you were three and LAST IN LINE! If there was,like, thirty people behind you, I would understand. Anyway great post! KEEP IT UP! :D

