Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Wednesday Wars December By : Jodie

The Wednesday Wars

    In the book, the Wednesday Wars, the chapter December, Holling meets Mickey Mantle finally, but doesn't get the impression he wanted. When Mr. Mantle said, "I don't sign baseballs for kids in yellow tights." When he said this to Holling, he was very disappointed because he went all the way from the theatre to the emporium in tights and feathers on the butt.
    I can relate to this in a text to text. My cousin Michaela from the Philippines wrote me a letter last year about the disappointing Christmas she had last year. She stayed up all night for Santa to put her present under her Christmas tree.  Then he would eat the cookies and milk she left for him on the table. She stayed up all night and then saw her mother put her present under the tree with a tag saying 'From Santa.' Then her mother threw away the cookies and milk Michaela left out for Santa. She had always believed that Santa Claus was real, but had a very disappointing Christmas thinking that Santa was just made up.

        By : Jodie


  1. Aww..that's crushing. It saddens you when you learn that some things aren't always what they have seemed, especially when you have high enthusiasm about it. Your hopes are just brought down. Disappointment is one of the things many people experience, and as we grow older, we learn that you're always going to get hurt. You can't avoid it. If somebody does you wrongs, and hurts you, you also realize that people aren't who you really expected them to be. Although we hear people saying that Santa isn't real, we still have to keep the Christmas spirit alive! :) Great relating paragraph!


  2. I hated to find out that Santa Claus was a fictional character but you know the saying, all good things come to an end. But it also makes me happy when I realize that Saint Nicholas was real.
