Saturday, December 4, 2010

Holling's Idol

The other day in class specifically on Tuesday we finished reading the fourth chapter (December) from our book The Wednesday Wars. Mickey Mantle, the greatest player on the Yankees team at that time was Holling's idol and he wanted to get his baseball signed by him since he was at the Baker Sporting Emporium. When Holling got there, Mickey Mantle would not sign his baseball because he was is a fairy costume in a blue robe from the play he was in. The author Gary D. Schmidt showed how sad he was by saying he was crushed and was lying on the floor crying. I think he did not sign the baseball because he thought Holling was gay since he was wearing a fairy costume with feathers on the butt. I remember how I used to think that rap music was so awesomely amazing and that it was the best music on the planet until I realized how much swearing could be in the songs which really turned me off. But just like Holling Something else filled that empty hole in me and it was jazz music. My favourite music artist is Elton John because I really liked the slow smooth beats and then when it picks up kind of like in the song Rocket Man by Elton John if you have ever heard of it. In Holling's case he had a friend to stick up for him and Horace Clark along with one other person from the Yankees team whose name I forgot. The two Yankees players gave him a signed baseball glove, a baseball and he got one of their jackets. My point is sometimes things are not as bad as they seem because usually something better will come up like for me and Holling.

By: Sean D

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