Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Holling's Idol

Holling's Idol

Many people know what it is like to have that one person that you idolize so much.  Holling Hoodhood is fanatical about the Yankees player, Mickey Mantle.  Holling has a chance to meet Mickey Mantle and get a baseball signed.  The night that Mantle is doing this, Holling also has a play that he has to do.  Holling wants Mantle's autograph so badly that when the performance is over he rushes over to the Baker Sporting Emporium in his costume.  Now you may think costume, what's so bad about a costume?  Well, Holling was a fairy in this play so his costume was yellow tights with feathers on the butt.  Plus, since it was December and very chilly outside, he also grabbed a big blue floral cape to keep him warm.  Holling makes it to the Emporium not a minute to spare and he is pleased to see that his idol is still there.  Mantle is with Holling's friend Danny Hupfer, and Holling goes up to them with his baseball.  Then very quietly he asks, "Can I please have your autograph?" Mickey Mantle says ok but then he looks at what Holling is wearing.  He changes is mind saying that it is past the time that he agreed to sign baseballs.  Holling is flabbergasted at his idol's statement.  If I were Holling, I would be thinking, "You are famous.  You are my idol and you can not take one minute out of your time to sign a baseball?"  I think that Mickey Mantle was being pathetic, almost like he thought he was too good to sign a baseball for a kid wearing tights. 

I have had my share of idols, I must say.  In the past, I have admired people like Brittany Spears, or Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  As these people grew up I realized that they took their fame and money and used it to ruin themselves.  Now, I do not feel like I should look up to them.  It is the same for many other actors and singers.  You feel happy for them for making it this far and then they do something dumb that gives you a whole new perspective. 


  1. I agree, it is very disappointing when somebody you truly look up to, gets wrapped up in all their fame and fortune. Sometimes their fame and fortune is used to destroy themselves and create a different and bad reputation for themselves. It is very shocking and disappointing when a celebrity and role model becomes too proud or depressed with their famous lives. I totally agree, we should realize when these bad role models do wrong, to not follow in their foot steps anymore. Thanks for sharing!

    Christina Z

  2. I remember when Britney Spears was the singer my cousins and I would know all the lyrics to. We would sing and rock out when Britney was on screen, and have a bunch of fun! We were just so excited when a song would come on, because she really was the celebrity we idolized. We thought her songs were great, and catchy. Unforunately, she took advantage of her fame. Now, my cousins and I don't have the same reaction we used to have, whenever we'd hear somebody mention her name. Her songs just bring memories. Also, with the news, we don't hear how sucessful she is anymore; we barely even hear her name mentioned on TV. It was really disappointing when we heard all these crushing things about Britney, and sooner or later, the girl we looked up to became the girl the world stomped on and buried in negative thoughts. Sooner or later, we grew out of her and just forgot all about her. We started to look for other celebrities to look up to, and some of them even ended up the same way as Britney. It's heartbreaking when you hear the person you looked up to, did something wrong. All of a sudden the world starts hating, and their reputation is ruined. Now, I hope we learn to look up to people, that are more humble and better role-models, who will inspire us to be better people. Great Blog! [:

    -Christine C.

  3. Great blog! I remember when my sister used to love them too. Fame is kind of like a mind control when you think about it. I still do not think that it was right for Mickey Mantle to do such a thing to Holling.
