Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Wednesday Wars

The Wednesday Wars 
Meeting Our Heroes

In the chapter of December, Holling is shocked when he sees the kind of person his idol really is. It all started when Holling gave his idol, Mickey Mantle, a baseball to sign. But Mantle won't sign Holling's baseball because Holling is wearing a yellow fairy suit with white feathers on the butt from the Shakespeare play he was just in. So Mickey Mantle thinks that Holling is gay. The way Gary describes Hollings feelings makes you fell very shocked and sad for Holling. It made me kind of mad because Holling admired Mantle very greatly and Mantle didn't sign Hollings baseball because he had a thought that Holling was gay. It just goes to show that some people aren't the way they seem to be. A similar situation happened to me before. I'm sure you know who the rapper T.I. is. Well before and still right now I loved the songs T.I. rapped and listened to it almost everyday. When my class had to write about a famous person, I wrote about T.I. When people asked me who is my favorite rapper/singer, I said T.I. Then a few years later, I heard that T.I. went to jail because he had possession of gun without a license for it. After I heard about that horrible news, it made me feel very shocked and let down. I had a lot of respect for T.I., but he went to jail for really dumb mistake. But I still liked him for his music. Few years later, T.I. went to jail again for having drugs. That news made me feel very sad. Till this day I still really like T.I. for his music but lost some respect for him for the things he did. Just like Holling, I realized not all people are the same the way they seem to be. T.I. did make some mistakes in his life but I still do like him as a rapper.  


1 comment:

  1. Great job! Even though I have no idea who T.I. is I do agree with everything you said about him. It is really sad when you see someone who messed their lives up with drugs and other illegal things.
