Monday, November 29, 2010

History homework


Membertou (d.1611)

          Membertou was chief and shaman of a band of Micmaq. Membertou had lots of respect from others. He was really the first North American to be baptized at his own country. Sadly no one knows exactly when he was born, but he died September 18,1611.
 It was kind because when the French habitation was abandoned Membertou cared and protected that habitation for three years.

Mathieu Da Costa (d.1607)

          Mathieu Da Costa was a black explorer and settler. Sources didn't know about how Mathieu got to North America. Da Costa's ability as an interpreter and his knowledge of the Micmaq lifestyle increased the knowledge in the colony. Sometimes Mathieu Da Costa was credited for the friendship and skills between Micmaq and the French. Sadly Mathieu had died in the year of 1607.


                                                                             By: Tiffany.H


  1. Great job Tiffany!! You put lots of effort into this blog. Although I thought your blog was a little short it was still great! Great job!!

  2. Nice job Tiffany! I would how included a bit more details about Membertou and Mathieu Da Costa and I would know because I wrote about them. Other than that a great read and a great blog.
