Monday, November 29, 2010

Biographical Paragraph

Jean de Poutrincourt
Jean de Poutricourt was a French colonizer and was well known because he fought for Catholicism in the French Wars. He was born in 1557 and died in the year of 1615. Poutrincourt lived a life full of frustrations. In 1604, Jean de Poutrincourt went to Acadia with Pierre Du Gua de Monts and Champlain to look for a colony. Then they come back to France with a large cargo of furs. In 1606, Poutrincourt returned with new settlers and supplies and had discovered the de Monts moved the colony from Bay of Fundy to Port Royal so Poutrincourt had command over it. In 1607, the colony was abandoned after the king cancelled their trading monopoly. In 1610, Poutrincourt returned to Acadia with his sons and father Fleche, Claude de Saint – Etienne de La Tour and La Tour's son Charles. More colonists arrived in Port Royal the next year. Poutrincourt had a hard time trying to maintain the colony. He struggled to raise money for the Port Royal colony, keep the monopoly and continue to Christianize the Native people. In 1613, Port Royal was attacked by the English while Pourtrincourt was in France. He couldn't obtain investors in France. Acadia, as a European settlement, almost disappeared. 


  1. Awesome blog Adam!! it sounded like a real auto-biography that people read in the newspaper. I can tell you put a lot of hard work into this! Great job!


  2. Nice Job Adam! I like how you included years which gave you an idea of how busy his life was like. You included all the important facts of Poutrincourt's life. All the details made this interesting to read. Good Job!!

  3. Great blog! According to what you have said it seems that Jean de Pourtrincourt had a very complicated life. Although that might be true it was not like there was only a small percent of that happening.
