Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Wednesday Wars
     The Wednesday wars is still an amazing book so far! I loved every page of this book, well except when it came to Mickey Mantle. Mickey Mantle was a famous baseball player from the Yankees. To Holling Mickey Mantle was not just another baseball player he was Holling's hero.
          When Mrs. Baker announced that Mickey Mantle was coming to their town, Holling jumped at the chance literally. He also found out it was the same night as a play he was in, but if he hurried he would make it. Holling hurried and performed well, but he had some delays getting to where Mickey Mantle was. He got there and so did Mickey Mantle. Holling approached Mickey with his baseball, but Holling was still in his costume from his play, (he was the fairy) Mickey had some weird thoughts and denied signing the ball. He dropped the ball and it rolled to Holling's foot. He was shocked, and disappointed, but things did work out.
When I read this I couldn't relate to it right away, but after some thought I found the perfect story. When I was about six years old, Mt parents said that we would be going to Orlando, Florida. (Home of the princesses, Minnie and Mickey mouse and all the other fairy tale characters) At first I had no idea what that was but when I found out I was really excited, and I wanted to go right then at that time but my parents said that they didn't have all the money, so it would be a few months and we would leave in the Christmas week. I would be missing Christmas but at least I would see my favourite princess "Jasmine!" The day finally came; we got our suitcases and left to the airport. It was the weirdest thing, the whole December; not one snowflake, but the day we left, no not light, beautiful, snowflakes a SNOW STORM!  It was terrible, you couldn't see anything except white; our flight was delayed for 10 hours! We stayed there for 10 hours surviving on airport chairs, their excellent food, and whatever else we had in our suitcases. 10 hours finally past and we got on the plane. Planes aren't my thing today but back then it was a joyride! I loved it! It only took 2 hours to get there but 10 to get out of the airport?! We got there settled, then we went to Magic Kingdom home of Jasmine, The whole time we were there I said "Let's see Jasmine," But she was late (probably stuck at the airport) and would come by 4:00 p.m. We passed the time easily and I completely forgot about Jasmine, I looked at the watch 5:00! We ran to where Jasmine was, There was a huge line and she was there till 5:30 if they hurried we could make it. Time slowly counted down the minutes, it was finally my turn but then it was 5:30 time for her to leave, she had to for safety reasons. I cried for about 10 minutes and so were 10 other six year old girls! I got over it and we continued through the kingdom and had lots of fun without Jasmine! We went back to our hotel, I was really happy because it was 12:00 a.m and there was an outdoor  pool right in front of us, so at 12 we went swimming, we were allowed to, they put lights in and around the pool. We enjoyed the rest of our vacation and I was fine without Jasmine….. Okay but I did meet her at a different Kingdom! I was satisfied but I realized how Jasmine could be where I am and at Magic Kingdom at the same time, that's when I found out it wasn't really Jasmine just actresses! People aren't always who you think they are! That's when I passed the little kid stage and grew up!
                                                                                      -BY: Dani
disney princess - disney ... | http://www.fanpop.com/spots/disney-princess/images/635748/title/disne...00365271.gif

1 comment:

  1. Wow, amazing story! I think that the people at the airport should have better service. But at least you got to enjoy the rest of the week at Orlando Florida. Nice job relating!
