Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Relating to The Wednesday Wars

The Wednesday Wars
Holling's Frequent Disappointments and Unfortunate Events

The night of Holling's performance in the Shakespeare play was also the night that his FAVOURITE baseball player on the New York Yankees, Mickey Mantle, was signing baseballs at the Baker Sporting Emporium.  After Holling's spectacular performance the crowd was crying and applauding with amazement.  The night was fantastic, but after his performance as Arial the 'warrior', Holling had to skedaddle to get to the Baker Sporting Emporium before Mickey Mantle left.  So Holling took a bow and bolted off to the dressing room to get dressed for the signing but the door was locked!  Mr. Goldman was still on stage bowing and bowing and it didn't look like he was finishing soon.  So Holling grabbed a blue, floral cape to cover his leotards with feathers on the bottom- and scurried outside to look for his father. His father hadn't arrived yet and Holling couldn't risk missing out on Mickey Mantle so he jumped on the bus.  Of course he had no money so Holling had to convince his way onto the bus, he also forgot his baseball but the bus driver was nice enough to give Holling a brand new baseball from the lost and found. When he got to the Sporting Emporium Holling was nervous with anxiousness, there was no line up and there in front of him was the one, the only, Mickey Mantle.  Holling walked up to Mickey in his cape and his yellow tights with feathers on his bottom- he handed Mickey the new baseball.  Mickey Mantle looked at Holling in confusion, wondering what Holling was supposed to be dressed up as.  After questioning   Holling, Mickey threw his unsigned baseball on the floor refusing to sign it. Then he was about to leave when Holling's friend return his baseball and left.  The two boys' were in shock, their hero was such a jerk and he crushed their spirits.  Those two boys looked up to this celebrity and Mickey wasn't who they thought he was.  He was mean and judgmental.  If I was Mickey Mantle I would be honored that many different types of kids are fans of mine.  But instead this famous baseball star crushed this boy's heart. "The world should split in two and I should fall into the crack and never be heard from again." Holling reflected on the recent occurrence.  "It hurts more than anything you can talk about." Holling thought.  Holling was embarrassed and ashamed of himself.  Only a mean, cruel, heartless person would cause these shameful thoughts of a young boy that idolized him.  Sometimes your role models and the people you look up to, are not always who they appear to be. 

Michael Jackson was somebody that I admired, and he was admired by millions of people that looked up to him.  He was the 'King of Pop' he was amazing.  But he wasn't happy with himself and the way he looked. To almost everyone Michael Jackson was amazing for his personality and his sensational music.  But very few people in Michael's life said hurtful comments that scarred him.  To me Michael Jackson was a great person and still has the reputation of a great person, I thought he was responsible and decent unlike some of the other artists.  But when I heard he was taking drugs I was crushed and disappointed.  All the drugs and depression made Michael not live the long life he should have.  On June 29, 2009 Michael passed away and the whole world was mourning.  I was disappointed; everyone had thought of him as a role model even me.  He was a remarkable singer and person who cared so much about other human beings. All his money and fame and he still wasn't content with his life.  I thought of Michael as a responsible person.  I had no idea he depended so heavily on drugs in his daily life.  I was saddened to learn that behind the scenes he wasn't that person, the person I had thought of him to be.  Many people had lost respect for M.J, but he was not happy with his personal life.  Every time M.J had seen his fans cheering him on, that was what fed him and kept him living happily for a while. Michael Jackson was a true, genuine amazing person but he eventually became overwhelmed with his life and all the stress.  We all make mistakes but this mistake destroyed his life.  We all still adore Michael, may his soul rest peacefully.

"And my goal in life is to give to the world what I was lucky to receive: the bliss of divine combination through my music and my dance."
-Michael Jackson

Christina Z

1 comment:

  1. Great job retelling and relating from the story. Believe it or not I too loved Micheal Jackson. In fact, I still do like him as an artist even though he was on drugs.
