Friday, December 3, 2010


Meeting Our Heroes
When we're young we have the mistaken belief  that adults have all the answers. They know everything and they don't make mistakes. We look up to them. We idolize them. Putting them up on pedestals, we admire them and think that they are perfect. They can literally do no wrong.  Therefore we are shocked to discover that they might not be the people we thought they were. They are not always right, they are not always good, and when we realize this, we may feel disappointed and disillusioned.  

In the Wednesday Wars, the protagonist Holling Hoodhood idolises the famous baseball player Mickey Mantle. What happens when he meets his hero? How does author Gary Schmidt  describe Holling's feelings after the encounter? Can you relate to this experience? Make a text to self, text to text or text to world connection?

Language: Write at least one paragraph relating to Holling's experiences. You may  choose to add  quotes from the story to explain your ideas on Monday during writing class. It will be due on Tuesday

Math: Lesson 4.3 in handout booklet.

Science: Review notes and videos on blog. Handouts on global warming and renewable resources due on Tuesday

Drama: Read and work on script. What facial expressions would the character have as he/she says a given line? How do you think the character of feeling at that moment? What might he/she be thinking?
Choose Christmas themed song to dance or sing.

History: Finish Fur Trade handout. Review notes and watch videos on blog.

Have a great weekend !

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