Thursday, November 25, 2010

Teen Ranch Essay

My Teen Ranch Experience

"I need somewhere to escape, escape from reality.” This quote had been going through my head the whole Teen Ranch experience. Before I left for Teen Ranch, I was thinking, “Oh boy, this is a perfect opportunity to find myself!” When I say this, I mean sometimes I tend to feel really lost. Life can be pretty hectic with homework, chores, extra classes, busy schedules and even social life has been going down the road for people I know. By going to Teen Ranch, we would have to opportunity to learn to become more independent, try new experiences, be away from parents, home, media, and create recreate new bond between friends with memories that could last a lifetime. Bunking with new and old friends, sharing laughs by the pond, and trying new activities such as skating, allowed us to see hidden sides of people I haven’t seen before, along with realizing how much fun new experiences can turn out to be. Absolutely everything at Teen Ranch was beyond fun. The cabins were much better than I thought they would be and my cabin buddies made the experience far much exciting. There were some pretty hilarious moments we had in our cabin. Skating was definitely a brand new experience and I guess sometimes we have to fall to learn to pick ourselves back up, or we can save the trip down when you’ve got a friend to catch you. I’ve also never expected a few small talks and laughter could really brighten up your entire day, and make the pain go away.

When we first got off the bus at Teen Ranch everyone's faces just lit up! There were people jumping up and down, all ecstatic and super anxious for the week ahead. Cabins were what most students had been really impatient about, and let me tell you I was super curious. Now you see, some girls' cabins had a flight of stairs along with them, and with my loaded suitcase it was pretty tricky hauling that elephant up those stairs. Because the wheels kept getting jammed each time I took a step, it was almost as if the wheels were super glued to the wood! I have to admit that they looked pretty awesome along with our red and black cabins. Once we were past the stairs, my cabin buddies and I all made a left to cabin number four. When one of my friends opened the door, an awkward stench happened to fly up my nose. Bleh! I wasn't too pleased with the smell, but very shortly I got so used to it, I can still smell it this moment. It actually wasn't that bad, considering the cabins were pretty old. The second we got in the room, everyone was yelling out "THIS IS MY BUNK! -CALLED IT!!!" I was left with two options. - The bunk right next to the bathroom, or the one right next to the door. I stuck with the one next to the bathroom. I sort of get paranoid whenever I sleep next to a clear view outside the windows, or next to a door- one that ESPECIALLY isn't locked. The positive part is that there was a bunk for each of us, so there was no need to share. It was funny because shortly before we came to Teen Ranch, my friends and I were already debating who would get which half of the bunk. I had small expectations of the cabins, so when I finally got to see it I was pretty impressed. The bathroom was better than I expected too. The only thing that bothered me but I didn't mind too much, was the musky smell and the dripping shower tap. When it came down to the bathroom schedule, there surely was a bunch of chatter and debating...but yet again, this was all about compromising with other people. All together we would decide who would take their showers in the morning, and who would take theirs in the night. We would pick an agreeable amount of time we got to spend in the bathroom, but sometimes other people would go over by a few minutes, so unfortunately that time would be deducted from the next person's shower. We were very organized, and while someone would be occupying the bathroom, the rest of us would be listening to the radio while chatting and getting all our belongings and ourselves organized. The funny part was on the first night we took a shower, the two first people weren't able to turn on the cold water. The knob kept getting stuck, so those two had to take a shower in burning water...or at least try to. We occasionally heard yelping from the bathroom at random moments. Luckily when it was my turn, I found a way to finally get the knob loose and cold water running so I could even it out with the hot water. The rest of us were able to take showers in relaxing warm water. YAY! Eventually the bathroom floor became extremely wet so we all had to be very cautious when using the washroom. We all brushed our teeth at around the same time, and once that was over with, we'd either head outside at around 7:30 in the mornings, or head to bed for a night of rest. Usually we'd be in bed by 10:30 PM. The nights came and went so quickly. On the first night it was hard to fall asleep because we were just so excited we were finally here, and everyone kept chatting. We also weren't used to sleeping with four other people in cabins, away from home, and with paper-thin mattresses. The mattresses were alright...but not as comfy as my double bed at home with all the pillows I could sleep with! Oh well, one would have to do. I fell asleep quicker than I expected while my other roommates fell asleep at around 2:00 AM. I occasionally woke up at random times in the middle of the night, but that was fine. I hate restless nights because that next day fatigue just slaps you in the face. We all agreed to wake up at 6:30 everyday, and that's what my alarm what set to. Some of us were early birds, while the others were plain sleepy heads. I'm talking about the two right next to the alarm! Yes. The alarm was right next to their ears, but they were such heavy sleepers that I still had to get up myself, stumble my way across the room in the dark, and search for the off button. Well that wasn't such a big deal for since that's my same exact routine when I wake up for school. I guess they just weren't used to the alarm the way I am. That sounds annoys me so much, that at 6:30 AM when it goes off, my dreams and my unconscious mind suddenly snaps and I just need to turn that thing off. I'd have to say the memory of the first night at Teen Ranch, was more vivid compared to the other nights.

Skating was unbelievably amazing! It was so fun and I looked forward to it every time. Monday was the very first time I had ever gone skating, and I was so anxious to get on the ice. When it came to tying our skates, I knew how to tie them but I found it really generous of the people who offered to help me. When some students were struggling to put on their skates, there was ALWAYS somebody to lend a hand. I got up and tried to walk. I walked pretty naturally but how much more balance would I need on the actual ice? I then put on my helmet, which looked, pretty goofy, but better safe than sorry. When I first stepped onto the rink I thought I'd be falling and stumbling all over the place, but it turned out that I did quite better than I thought I would. Of course I still fell a few times, was unsteady, and whenever I'd look back or got distracted, I was guaranteed to lose balance. I stayed near the side of the rink with my hand brushing across the sideboard for some support. Some people were kind enough to give me a hand when I fell, and when others would stumbled and fell too, they wouldn't be left on the ice, but be helped get back up by a friend. There were my friends Ashley J, and Marc to encourage me and give me help on the first day. By simply holding my hands for balance, and giving me tips, they were able to make me a much better skater. They had to skate backwards in order for them to help me. I knew they both probably got frustrated when I'd say, " I can't" or anything negative, but now I thank both of them for helping me so much on my first day. Watching people be so kind to others just made me really happy. What really surprised me was the way other people skated. As I looked around the rink, I noticed that even the boys, who knew how to skate, actually looked quite...graceful. I'm serious when I say this. I know it sounds a bit feminine but it's true! They were gliding so effortlessly and they were so smooth when they skated, on their turns and crossovers, skating backward, and all those other things I couldn't do. Yet again, they do have experience. Not a bitter face was shown on the ice, even when people fell. They just laughed it off and were willing to get back up and try again. It was very entertaining to watch everyone skate and I'm sure they all had a blast!

What I found that was really relaxing was free time at Teen Ranch. The place I mostly hung out by was near the pond. The more people there, the better. It allowed talking and laughing without anything bothering us. If you had a really patient friend that would be willing to listen, you could vent to them about any problems. We would be sitting on the bench thinking or be dragging some sticks through the water watching the ripples expand. Some people were lucky enough to spy a few fish, tadpoles, and frogs. I found this place really peaceful, and I unfailingly went down there everyday. Even in the mornings at around 7:30 it would be the same place I’d head down to and meet up with my friends. The scenery was gorgeous along with the waterfall, and the many plants. I'd love looking at the pond in the morning because everything would be so frosty and peaceful, but then come alive when the sun shone in the afternoon. When the water would be still, it would be like looking at a mirror. The reflection of the sky in the water was crystal clear, until something would hit the surface. I’ve talked to a few friends about how they actually felt during free time and I remember Tiffany H. mentioning that even by wading sticks in the water could make you feel like the mellowest person. I also remember Ashley C. going on about how there was just way too much going on back home, and this was a great way to relieve that. Coming here to Teen Ranch was a great way to experience life away from the media and all the things we sort of depend on. You make a closer connection to nature. You don’t realize it, but sometimes you get so dependant on computers, televisions, and iPods for information that you kind of get attached to them without knowing. Everything done here was totally productive! I really enjoyed also feeding the horses. There was a mother horse named Ivy and her baby horse named Zoë. They were really cute and their hair was soft, but whenever they’d eat apples, it would be so gross! The apples were so juicy! They’d drool a slimy pale liquid, and whenever you’d try to feed it another one, there was no doubt that your hands would get slobbered all up. Whenever my friend and I would go by the fences to see the horses, they’d always be grazing on some hay. It’s crazy how much hay these horses eat in a day. They would even mistake a pair of brown mittens for food, and begin to nibble on them. Observing others feed the horses grass was quite interesting. When people would stick their hands out holding a bundle of grass, I wondered how the horses would eat, due to their large heads and jumbo mouths. When they’d eat, they sort of lick the grass and pull it into their mouths using their tongues. I also noticed that some people were a bit hesitant at first to feed them, and would jerk their hand away when the horses cam near. After a while they really weren’t nervous at all and they were feeding them so naturally. One time I looked over to Zoë and she was running like crazy!! The horses were a nice way of spending free time at Teen Ranch and I can tell Zoë is going to be really fast when she grows up. Aside from the pond and feeding the horses, I spent a generous amount of time on the trampoline. I can be a really hyper person at time so he trampolines were great for me! I didn't remember the last time that I've been on one, and when I started jumping on the trampoline I just felt so energetic! It was really fun bouncing up and down, and I remember the first time I jumped on that trampoline, I experienced that feeling when you go down a roller coaster. As I was jumping Ashley J. yelled out, "Do a flip!" At that moment I was thinking..."Oh, no...I'm not trying a flip!" I remembered that a few years ago I was on this big trampoline with a cord attached to my waist for safety. I attempted a flip and, well...failed. When I finally decided to do a flip on that trampoline with Ashley's encouragement, it felt really good. It felt even better knowing that I did it without a cord or anyone helping me. I jumped high and just went for it. I did the flip, didn't land it, but it was really fun! It was even exciting watching others so a bunch of flips and tricks on the trampoline. Now I wish that I had a really big trampoline in my backyard!

Teen Ranch was THE most exciting, educational, friendly, school experience EVER. It had taught me so many things. By agreeing to come on this trip, all of us had to be willing to step out of our comfort zone in one way or another, to learn something new. By being with a few other people sharing one cabin, we all had to find a way to compromise with each other. It was all a matter of getting to know people better and being patient with each other. New bonds between friends were created, and most of all we had an amazing time. With skating I learnt that you aren't going to be naturally good at everything to take a leap at, but it's always worth the risk. People's kindness and consideration just shined specifically in this area. When you'd fall or stumble they would be there to catch you. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and by falling and tripping was a way to gain strength. You'd get back up with will power and enthusiasm wanting to skate some more! Last but not least having fun. Free time was a great way to become more connected to nature without all the electronics and technology we depend on. Everything we've done was productive. By sitting by the pond and having laughs and chatter, we were able to get to know each other better. We were able to vent about anything that bothered us and just let it all out. That feeling of relief is just amazing, and I think that was the feeling I had all week. Teen Ranch, is an unforgettable experience and truly I say just warmed my heart.

By Christine


  1. Christine that was .....amazing!!! When I read this flashbacks filled my brain. You included interesting detail and words, loved the beginning and ending. Great job!!!!


  2. Wow, Christine! You really captured every detail which painted a perfect picture in my head. The memories seem so vivid! You word choice was excellent and made me want to keep reading. Plus, I like how you started with a quote that fit perfectly to your description of Teen Ranch. Awesome Job!

  3. Good job! Based on what you guys did I probably could not stay up until 2 a.m. I would have had a lot of fun on the trampoline and just playing with friends too.
