Thursday, November 25, 2010

Ashley's Vaccination Blog

Needles are not one of those things that many people look forward to getting.  I am one of those people who immensely regret going to the doctors for shots.  The thought of doctors injecting a needle through my skin just grosses me out.  Many of my peers got their Hepatitis B and their Meningitis shots at school the other day, however I did not.  I have not gotten many shots in my life, at least not that I remember.  Although, I do remember the last needle that I got.  It was August of 2003 and I was only five years old.  I got two needles that day on both arms.  They were not specific shots, just the regular shots that you need.  The regular shots include shots for measles, and mumps.  This was definitely an experience that I was not expecting.  I was assuming that it would hurt at the time the doctor gave me the shot and then get better as the day progressed.  Of course I was wrong and was taken by surprise when I could barely move either of my arms.  Like I said, it was August so we decided to also go swimming that day.  I could barely change into my swim suit and I was in a lot of pain.  Many of my classmates who got the shots were also complaining that their arms hurting.  The 'aftershock' of getting needles is probably the worst part about getting them, but you will most likely benefit from it because it decreases the risk of you getting a certain symptom.  I personally would rather have pain in my arms than have a disease.  If you are the same way I suggest that you try to put up with your aching arms for a day or two.  I also think that we should be grateful to have this opportunity because many people cannot afford a needle or do not have access to this type of medication.



  1. Ashley, that was a great blog, although you didn't even get the shot, you added great detail and I have to say that yours was the best one I read so far. Great job!!!!!


  2. That was a great blog Ashley! You're 100% right how the aftershock hurts most. I bet I was almost as white as a ghost when we were waiting in line because I never knew we were gonna get our needles. It is also true that we should appretiate how we can get this type of medication while others have sickly diseases because they can't afford medicalattention. Anyways, it was a very good job, keep up the good work!

  3. great blog! I too would rather have pain in my arms for a couple of days than get a very infectious disease. The only other shot I remember getting was the one in grade two but I am not sure what it was for.
