Monday, November 29, 2010

Marc Lescarbot

Marc Lescarbot was born in Prais, France in 1570. In 1606, he came to Port Royal until de Monts' fur trade licence was cancelled. When Lescarbot was about to go back to France, he published some books and some poetry about his experiences in Port Royal. Since he wrote about the year he spent at habitation in Port Royal, historians have proof about what Lescarbot did back when he was alive. He involved bimself in life in Acadia. Soon he was the colony's main provider for entertainment. He created stories, poems and plays to entertain men. He often visited the local Micmaq and related to their life style. When Poutrincourt (a lieutenant) came back from France to Port Royal, Lescarbot welcomed him with a big presentation. The presentation was a plpay called "The Theatre of Neptune" written and directed by Lescarbot himself. Micmaq and the french joined in for the performance. The mythical God Neptune (played by Lescarbot) appeared in a bark canoe to welcome Poutrincourt, and being praised by leaders of colonies from France and Micmaq. Cannons and trumpets finished the celebration.
From: Caroline 


  1. Wow, it seems like Marc Lescarbot was a very creative man. Making plays, stories, and poems to entertain men must have kept him busy!

    I think it is nice that Lescarbot invovled himself with the local Micmaq tribe which probably gave him a vast knowledge of their culture. You included many details of his life. Nice job!!

  2. Nice job! I think that Marc Lescarbot's plays were very creative and I wish I could see one live. It was a good thing he was a friendly person from Europe. I could think of a lot other people that would go there just for power and money.
