Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Holling HoodHood

I think that Holling has a complicated relationship with his parents because during the story it looks like his parents don’t really pay attention to him. His father puts his work and t.v before Holling his son. His mother smokes but doesn’t want Holling to find out about it and his mother seems like she doesn’t really pay attention to him as his father.



  1. Great comparing with the relationship of holling's parents, I agree holling's parents don't really pay attention to him very much, it's kind of strange. I guess it's okay since it's just a book and it would'nt be as interesting if they were like normal parents. Great blog!!!

  2. I agree they don't pay attention to him alot. So they are in a complicated relationship. Great blog.

  3. It is a really complicated relationship especially because of the family business. Although I think that his mom cares about him a little bit because she asked him how his day was.
