Tuesday, November 30, 2010

So far in novel

The Wednesday Wars

The Wednesday Wars has been a pleasure and delight to read thus far.  The greatest feature of this book is the consistent humor and sarcasm.  The humor of this book really adds emotion and personality to the characters.  The humor shows the personality of the characters which gives the readers a good assumption of what the characters act and look like.  From the beginning of the novel, there were witty phrases that you couldn't help but grin.  The best feature about this book is that children of our age can relate to Holling, with a teacher that hates them and the parents that ignore them.  There are mischievous characters, clumsy characters and intimidating characters that we can all relate to.   With the way the author Gary D. Schmidt shows the readers how a character feels whether frustrated or devastated, is interesting and leaves the readers wanting to read more.  "A good writer tells you a great writer shows you."  I also enjoy the story line and plot of this novel three chapters into the book.  It was very fascinating when I read the first page and the student, Holling, explains how on the first day of school his teacher immediately hates him for no reason at all.  The unfortunate events that this seventh grade boy manages to create, makes me chuckle and smile throughout every page.  This book was written with remarkable detail and thought.  The descriptions create the most unusual pictures in your mind, but they greatly add to the quality of every page.  There are descriptive, interesting sentences like "And if you can't have sun or blue sky, then you wish it would snow and cover the entire gray world with a sparkling white that your eye can't take it in."    This sentence and the descriptive words remind me of our month now.  Lately the sun hasn't made its appearance, it has been gray, cloudy and the days have been gloomy and ominous.  This describes how I feel in this season, sometimes it rains and sometimes it snows but the sun rarely reveals itself.   I would rather the snow fall already so I could play and build with it.   This is just one of the many sentences that create a pleasant image in my mind.  The vocabulary is diverse and creative with all the amusing and funny idioms, metaphors and similes.  "The halls filled up with the scent of Hamburger-and-Pepper Surprise, a scent that lingered like the smell of a dead animal caught underneath the floorboards" is a simile that makes me giggle.  I am anticipating the remaining chapters in this entertaining novel. 

Christina Z

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! I enjoy the details of the book too especially the metaphors and other literary devices. This is (not very surprising) one of the best books I have ever read.
