Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

What do you want for 2011?

"Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men's blood and probably will themselves not be realized." ~Daniel Burnham

I know people make fun of New Years resolutions. They say, " They don't work !"  " No one really remembers or follows through with what they promised they'd do." But what if we did. What if we actually took time to reflect on the year that had passed and decided to be better in the year to come!!

 I love New Years. In all honesty, I love times and seasons and the celebrations of milestones. But  I especially love the possibility of change. CHANGE!  I love that  we can change. Change is a natural part of life. We don't stay exactly the same. We adapt. We become better or worse. Habits are just the things we decide to do over and over again. That's awesome if our habits are positive. But what if they're not. But what if we've developed habits of laziness, unkindness or inattention.What if we gotten used to thinking we're not worth much. What if we think we're not smart enough, or funny enough or good  looking enough? What if we don't realise our value! What if we've forgotten our real power to change.  We are children of a good , all loving God who literally thought we  were worth dying for!

For me, that's what New Years is all about.  At the end of a year we are given  the chance to look at our lives. We can clean house, so to speak. Look at the past year and try to do better. What mistakes did we make? What people did we give up on ? Should we try again? Did we give up on ourselves? These are tough questions. Think about them. We can decide to do things better. We can try to be better people. We have a new year where we can resolve to be a better daughter, son, friend, teammate, athlete, student...whatever.
Don't let this opportunity pass you by. So in a few days, when you're ringing in the New Year with friends and family, take a moment for yourself. And in the silence of your heart ask yourself and God what you want for yourself in 2011. Then decide to go after it. With your resolve and God's loving powerful help, you might surprise yourself come 2012!

Homework: What are your New Years Resolutions for 2011? Please Comment.


  1. New Years is a time I actually look forward to. It's a time to start fresh, to start over and correct the mistakes you made before and move on. Throughout the year we can choose if we want to change for the better but we often don't respect it much and forget about it. New Years is the one time where we really think about changing! My New Years resolutions are to: be more commited to doing my school work, respect friends and family more, try to eat healthier and try to forget about the mistakes I make or others make, (to forgive and to forget)! I will probably not suceed at most of these things but I will definitely try, and if I do suceed at these things, I won't just be glad because i got it over with but, I'll be glad because I wanted to do it! I wouldn't be doing anyone else a favour I would be doing myself a favour!

  2. My New Years's Resolutions

    -I'll play video games only 3 times a week
    -I'll watch t.v. only 1 hour a day
    -I'll work harder in certain school subjects
    -I'11 eat more vegetables and fruits
    -I'll eat less junk food
    -I'll drink lots of water and milk and less pop
    -I'll be nice to kids who don't have a lot of friends


  3. My new years resolutions are to

    -Study more often
    -Try not to snack on food as much
    -Be nicer to my family
    -Try not to be as lazy
    -Find things to do

  4. My New Year's Resolutions are:
    -Get better grades by working harder
    -Be nice to everyone
    -and do whatever my parents say

  5. My New Year's Resolutions are.....

    To smile more,
    To be more positive,
    Work harder,
    Try to not hate people,
    Be a supportive friend,
    Not to judge anyone badly,
    To be happy with myself,
    And to learn to be my true self around other people.

  6. My new years resolutions are:
    To learn how to cook something other than oatmeal and pizza.
    To read more instead of watching TV.
    To do some garden work in the summer.
    Maybe at the end of a busy day relax more

    Christina P

  7. I think New Years is like getting another chance to start over, or like a redo. You can work harder at something you wanted to do this year so you can improve from last year. my resolution is doing better and working harder. Outside school, my resolution is to work on my violin classes.

  8. My New Years Resolutions Are:

    -to not drink as much pop anymore
    -to eat less junk food
    -to be kind to everyone, by treating others how i would like to be treated
    -to work harder in school and to get better grades
    -to listen to my parents more
    and to do more chores around the house.


  9. One of my greatest New Years resulutions is to keep my resolutions longer than a month or two. I also want to stay healthy by eating healthy and staying active. I want to keep my grades up in school, and work hard on activities outside of school. My family loves me and I want to show them that I appreciate them. "Thank you" are words that I want to come out of my mouth more. I want to be grateful for what I have and acknowledge those who have it worse.

  10. A new year is time for new resolutions. I would like to continue to do well in school and maintain good grades. I hope to put forth 100% effort in everything I do and perform it to the best of my ability. I will try being more positive around my siblings or at least be civilized. I plan to stay active in and out of school, and eat more healthily. I plan to read more books until my head explodes. A big resolution of mine is to sustain my resolutions for the majority of the year!

    Christina Z
