Tuesday, November 23, 2010

the wednesday wars

Holling and His Parents

            Holling Hoodhood and his parents have a very strange relationship. Mrs. Hoodhood, Holling's mother makes a lot of assumptions. She assumes because when Holling comes home from school and tells his mother that Mrs. Baker hates him his mother assumes he is overreacting and automatically takes Mrs. Baker's side even though she does not know what happened. As Holling says, it is like pulling a string on their back and a bad recording comes on. Holling's dad is more concerned about his business than Holling's problems.  He cares more about his business because Mrs. Baker's family owns the store that is going to hire Mr. Hoodhood's services, since Mrs. Baker does not like Holling then her family won't like the Hoodhood name and they won't want to hire Hoodhood and Associates. So far Holling's parents take Mrs. Baker's side, but I hope later in the book they will realize Holling was right.  

Christina P         


  1. I really like how in your blog you included all the important details in a straight forward matter. I agree that Holling's mother jumped to conclusions without knowing the situtioan, and his father cared more about his business than his sons's dilemma. I would not want parents like those! I thought your blog was really informative and very clear. Great job! :]

  2. great job! Their relationship in the story is indeed strange in some ways but sometimes straight forward. You also have to think in the sense of his father though because his father wants him to get the job from him when he retires. Therefore he does care about Holling in a way.
