Monday, November 29, 2010

Mathieu Da Costa

     Mathieu de Costa was the first recorded black person in North America. Most historians believe he was an explorer in the party of Pierre Dugua, the Sieur de Monts, and Samuel de Champlain in the early 1600's. De Costa was very multilingual, he knew how to speak Dutch, English, Portuguese, pidgin Basque, and the dialect most of the Aboriginals used for trading. The relationship between the Micmaq and the French was because of Mathieu de Costa's knowledge. Some think he came to Canada in a Portuguese ship. it is said a merchant kidnapped him then sold him to De Monts. Recorded French papers say he worked for the government in Port Royal in 1608. Historians believe Mathieu de Costa died in 1623.


  1. That was a great bolg, Christina! I read this, and I couldn't believe it, at sometimes I felt sad at others I felt really happy. I couldn't believe that this man was kidnapped, this man was a great person!!
    Great job!

  2. I also did Mathieu Da Costa for this assignment but I still learned something new when I read yours! Like Dani said, I cannot believe he was kidnapped. I always wonder what provokes someone to do such a mean thing. You included a lot of details, Good Job!!

  3. Wow Christina P. I did not know he was kidnapped by merchants and was bought by De Monts and I did research on him. It is very clear that you did research on him to and probably more than me.
