Monday, November 29, 2010

History Paragraph Blog

Membertou (1510-1611)
A chief and shaman of the Micmaq First Nations tribe, Henri Membertou was greatly respected.  His tribe was located at Port Royal which was in the first French settlement, Acadia.  The French settlers' success in this new land was greatly influenced by Membertou's kind, hospitable, and guiding character, and the local Micmaq.  Since he was greatly respected he would often join the French in their territory.  A great milestone in Membertou's life must have been when he was baptized.  He was baptized on Saint John the Baptist Day, 1610 (June 24) He was the first North American to be baptized in is own country.  He was keen on becoming a proper Catholic and he wanted to be properly educated.  Membertou was very loyal to the French that when Potrincourt and the French deserted Port Royal, Membertou took charge and cared for and protected the territory for three years until the French returned.  Membertou is greatly recognized by some Canadians.  In 2007, the Canada Post "French Settlement in North America" series had a $0.52 stamp honouring Chief Membertou.


  1. Awesome blog Ashley! YOu had great word choice and sentence structre, it sounded like a professional autobiography! It seems like writing things like this comes naturally to you!! Great job!!!


  2. Nice job! Clearly you did some research on the computer because in the book it does not say his birth date or a stamp made in 2007. I think it was very good that you researched on the people just like I did.
