Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Wednesday Wars review

            In my opinion the Wednesday Wars is an excellent book.  In the beginning of the book Holling gets the idea that Mrs. Baker hates his guts because on the first day she keeps giving him dirty looks. When he went home and told his parents they did not do anything they just assumed that he did something wrong. Later in October Holling's perspective of Mrs. Baker is changing. In the first chapter Mrs. Baker made Holling do chores around the classroom. When Holing and Mrs. Baker start reading Shakespeare that is when he realizes that she does not hate him. I have two favourite parts in the book so far, one in the second chapter and one in the third chapter. The first one in the second chapter was when Mrs. Baker said, "By the way teachers don't bring up Shakespeare to bore their students to death." When Holling heard this he turned and accidentally pulled the two rat cages apart then they escaped. I can imagine it looking very funny seeing  Holling, Mrs. Baker and Mr. Vandleri sanding on the desks terrified by Mrs. Baker's rats. My other favourite part in the third chapter was when Holling was practicing Caliban's curses in front of a mirror with his shirt off and his sister tells him to shut up. When Holling hears this he says, "A southwest blow on ye and blister on you all o'er," and his Sister opens the door and demands to know what he said, then calls him a weirdo for talking to himself in the mirror half naked. That would have been a funny sight to see, Heather starring at Holling with this look on her face like her brother was crazy. Even though we are only three chapters into it The Wednesday Wars is still an amazing book and I can't wait to read more..

Christina P


  1. HAHA! I really enjoyed the last part of your paragraph where you stated how creeped out Holling's sister was when she saw her brother half naked in the mirror, speaking a bunch of nonsense. What a typical teenage girl for her to tell him to "shut up". This book IS really funny, and I can't wait to read more either! Great blog, and I like all the detail you included in it! [:

  2. That was a really funny and interesting blog. I agree with everthing that Christine said, those were my favourites parts to. My older yet not so intelligent( I mean it, i bet my younger sister is smarter that her) sister does the same thing to me, the only difference is that she says it to me a millon and one times a day!

  3. I totally agree with you! I love the curses he learned in the book and my personal favorite is "The red plague rid you" they are very funny. Great blog and a great read!

  4. I agree, those are some of my favourite parts, out of the many great ssituations in this book. I love the occurrences of the story that are mentioned in your blog. As Danielle mentioned I can totally imagine my sarcastic sister saying and acting the same way towards me in any similar situation. I really enjoy how relatable this book is for me it’s a pleasure to read! The way that Holling practices his “speech” in the mirror is hilarious! Thanks for the read!

    Christina Z
