Friday, October 15, 2010

Halloween Story


     When I was 3 years old I had the worst Halloween ever! First of all, I was dressed up as an M&M chocolate. (How embarrassing is that?) My older brother was dressed up as Saw, and every time I looked at him, I cried. My mom wanted to take a picture of us and right when she was about to take it, I looked up at my brother and cried.
     As we were leaving to go trick or treating, I tripped over my brother and fell. He started laughing at me, so for a while I was grabbing on to his foot. Then suddenly, he ended up falling. It was weird because my mom had told me that when he fell, I started laughing and crying at the same time. I must have been a weird baby.
     Later on, as we came upon a spooky house, my brother walked up to it and took me with him. I was extremely terrified, that I made a little surprise in my diaper. I screamed so loud that you couldn't even believe it. As my brother took me back to my mom, he slowly went up to the door of this house and rang the door bell. The owners of the house opened the door very slowly then popped out and terrified my brother. It must have been very embarrassing.
     Then the very last house we went to ended up being my aunt's house, but I never knew.
So as we all went to the door we yelled trick-or-treat and as my aunt answered the door she picked me up and took me inside then shut the door. I was crying so much I almost made a puddle the distance around an elephant. After my aunt realized how much I was crying she brought me back to my mom and as we opened the door no one was there. I had no idea what to do so I just fell to the ground crying. My aunt felt so bad so she called my mom and told her to come back and pick me up, they tried to pull a prank on me, but it didn't turn out too well.
     As I got home my brother was laughing so much I ended up biting his arm, although it didn't hurt him.
     Anyways, so that was my worst Halloween that I will never forget.                                      



  1. That was a great blog Tiffany! I loved hoe you put great detail into your story and I loved how sice your Hallloween was miserable you made your brothers the same! It was a great blog although I noticed you used a lot of the word terrified, you should trying other similes. It was still an awesome blog!


  2. Its kind of cool and creepy how you laughed and cried at the same time. I think your brother was a really mean person back then. He always used to call me a smaller version of my brother because he was in the same grade as my brother. I like how you put that your costume was embarrassing in brackets. Great blog Tiffany!

  3. Awesome job! I remember one Halloween my cousins came to our house for a Halloween party. It was so much fun! (for me at least) One of my cousins had a scary mask that my brother was terrified of. My cousin had to take of the mask and hide it so my brother wouldn't freak! This party was a while ago and I don't remember being mean to my brother about it because I was probably scared myself.:)

    I have never experienced laughing and crying at the same time. What does it feel like?
    (Just curious) However I know someone who laughed so hard that they cried. Wierd :).

    Great blog, Tiffany, and it was fun to read!

  4. Fantastic blog Tiffany! Man, you cried so much that Halloween that you could have filled a pool with your tears. I agree with Ashley and Sean, it's pretty creepy that you cried and laughed at the same time. Anyways, this was a great blog. You put a lot of details in it.

