Thursday, October 7, 2010

Halloween story

Scared Silly
Halloween has always been a fun time.  However, I am not a huge fan of scary masks and costumes.  Every Halloween there is at least one or two people who hide behind trees or sit still on benches to scare you.  And every year at those houses I have the worst five minutes of the day.  For instance, two years ago, I was trick or treating with my brother and sister and a couple of friends.  The next house we were going to had a man lying on a bench, stiff as a board.  He had a mask on and you were prepared for him to jump.  You knew he was going to jump because you hear people screaming when you are half way around the block.  As I said, you are prepared but not really prepared.  When the guy jumped I ran down the driveway to my dad screaming.  I felt so silly and embarrassed as the guy was probably laughing his head off inside that ridiculous mask for the 20th time that night. It also did not help that my dad was laughing at me too.
I am a big wimp when it comes to things like that and I have never watched a horror movie or a movie with freaky people, and nor do I have a desire to, because I'll only see half of the movie.  For the other half my fingers will be in the way.  I know that the movies are make-believe but you can never be to sure.



  1. Haha, what a funny halloween that must have been. (: I really enjoyed your blog and I can't imagine you screaming and running down the driveway! Also emotive, detailed, and a great choice of words! Horror movies do get me paranoid afterwards. Haha, looking forward to reading more of your blogs.

  2. That was a funny blog to say the least Ashley and I don't really like horror movies either because they would give me nightmares for a week at least. Next time you go trick-or-treating during Halloween remember to walk around the people on benches. Pretty good blog anyway!

  3. ASHLEY that was an awesome story! I agree I hate when people get all dressed up just to get the thrill of scaring you. The similar thing happpened to me at a Halloweeen. It was a very funny and entertaing story. I really enjoyed reding you blog, great
    story! -dani

  4. Ha Ha. That's hilarious. I remember when I was like 5 years old, and this guy scared me, so I kicked him in his,area, if you know what I mean. I said,"watch out, or another one of thoughs is coming your way, pal!" Any way good job.

    -Jade (^_^)

  5. WOW! that was funny! I can't believe a guy would scare you like that!. And I hate scary movies and scary costumes too, I hate them! Anyways, Good Job!

    Kyra Y.

  6. Great blog Ashley! I been to a lot of houses like that at Halloween. A lot of times, I don't even know if the person on the bench is real or just a dummy. When I was young, I always got scared when I went to houses with a man sitting on a bench dressed in a costume. I could never tell if he was real or fake. Anyway, this blog was fun to read!


  7. Funny blog! I remember I was watching a scary Michael Jackson video my sister had received in an email. The reporter told us to turn up the volume my sister turned it up foolishly. A ghost of Michael Jackson crossed the hallway of the home he used to live in before he passed away. Then a deceased face popped up on the screen and started screaming!! I started screaming of course because the volume was 135 decibels my sister and I sprinted out of the room! My dad just stayed in the other room on the couch watching TV. Dads can be frustrating to be around sometimes. I slept with one eye open that night!
    Thanks for sharing

    Christina Z

  8. Great blog Ashley! I remember when that happened to me once. Two guys with a rope kept saying,"The boss will kill us 'cause we lost the monster." Then this Frankenstien looking-thing came out of the bushes and scared the everything out of me. Any way great blog!

    Jade (^_^)
