Wednesday, October 6, 2010


   My Worst Halloween
                     Two weeks before Halloween my mom took me shopping for a princess costume. The blue one I want was sold out so I had to get the pink version instead; it was the last one left and it was exactly my size, it was four Oreo cookies from being too small.
           When Halloween came I wore my costume to school; there where many princesses because that is usually what most girls in kindergarten wanted to be. Fortunately no one was wearing the same costume as me or the one in blue, I got a lot of complements, but that did not last.
          It was very cold that night so my mom made me wear my winter jacket. Since my costume fit so perfectly my mother did not think it would fit over my jacket, but I forced her to try. So my mom tried and tried and tried until she heard a rip. My jacket was so puffy it ripped part of my costume. After that train wreck my mom decided to pin, yes pin, my costume to my jacket; I was a princess in the front and an Eskimo in the back. as soon as I got outside the comments started, one kid said " Mommy look she has no costume," another said, "How come her costume is only on  half of her body?"
          Through out the night I heard giggling and chuckling, that is why it was my worst Halloween.  

  Christina P


  1. Oh I can't beleive that happened to you! That must have been horrible. I can't even imagine something like that could happen to me. I would really get mad at myself for trying to make something fit when is obviously doesn't. I really like your choice of words and the way you wrote your sentences. It has flow.

  2. That is so funny! Although I am laughing at this amazing story, I propbably would have suggested the same thing. I would not want to be cold while trick or treating. At least you had an original costume! Excellent writing and it is very interesting. Thank you for sharing this story!

  3. .........Oh my gosh, you wrote this, it was awesome! It really sucks how your dress ripped in the middle of no where and how embarassing it would've been. But it would be very uncomfortable to go out at night in the cold, so they can't blame you! Loved your story please make a sequel.

  4. That was AWESOME!You really know how to write a good story.Your story is one of my FAVOURITE so far!It had lots and lots of detail in it and i feel so bad that the dress had ripped.

  5. awwe..poor Christina ): I cant believe that happened! Although I do have to say it was very humorous! I really enjoyed reading this blog and it was full of details and the way you write and fit the sentences together is wonderful. Well at least the positive thing was while all the other princesses were probably cold, you were a warm eskimo princess! Amazing blog!

  6. Oh Christina. I can't believe that happened! Sometimes moms think of the most unusual ideas, like pinning a costume and a jacket together. Your story gave me a chuckle it was funny to read. At least that Halloween when people answered the door they saw the princess side of your costume. The important thing was that you got your candies and delights.
    Thanks for sharing

    Christina Z

  7. Aww that must have been a very bad Halloween for you that year. You probably should have put the jacket over your costume and taken it of when you rang the door bells for candy. But look at the bright side at least you were warm and still got candy.

  8. Poor poor Chrstina! Even though that was horrible what you had to endure, it was so funny! Like what christine said, you are the very first Eskimo Princess! Great sentence structure. It was very fun to read and enjoyable!
    -Jade (^_^)

  9. That's unbelievable! I can't believe you had all sorts of different comments from random kids. That's actually pretty funny. But it's sad at the same time. This blog had a lot of detail in it which made your piece of writting really great. Great blog.


  10. That must be so embarrassing! I mean we all have our embarrassing moments, but yours wasen't so bad. At least, it's over and hopefully you will have a good upcoming Halloween! Great blog Christina!
    ~Jodie =D
