Monday, September 27, 2010

Van Gogh

I think Van Gogh was a very interesting, complex person.  He had a very hard life as a kid and as an adult. He was a very poor person.  He was also a very inspiring person because though he had no money for an education in art or art materials; he was self taught and received paint materials from his brother.  With all of this he painted thousands of beautiful paintings, but sadly no one cared for them.  Today most of us can afford art material and an education in art, yet we don't show half the compassion that Van Gogh did.  Nothing or no one can compare to what Van Gogh did, which was express his feeling the way they were meant to be.  He was a crazy man but, you can't really blame him after the hard the hard life he had.  He lived his life and had no regrets.  What I thought was very interesting was all the beautiful quotes he left behind.  Sometimes they were heart- felt and sad and at other times they were just inspiring.  Van Gogh's life was like a road trip, sometimes he times he saw a yellow light which meant he had to slow down and think about what to do. Red light meant stop! It's the wrong choice. Green meant okay you figured it out, picked up all the shattered pieces and fixed the puzzle, Go!  Sometimes he would run out of gas and have to refill by going by back and starting over.  That's was Van Gogh life over and over again.  Van Gogh was very close to his brother like any siblings but Van Gogh wasn't  just close to his  brother he loved his brother with passion. His brother was the one who inspired Van Gogh to become an artist and paid for his materials.  Though after he painted the paintings no one but one person bought it today they're worth millions of dollars. The sad thing is that Van Gogh painted all the paintings and we live off his fortune but like Van Gogh said "my sadness will live forever,"

                                                                                      BY: Danielle


  1. When I first read this I thought WOW. That was really great, and fun to read! Very strong feelings included too! Your retelling was detailed and overall well thought over. I also like your metaphor with the traffic lights and his life. As well as mine at times, that can also relate to other peoples' lives! My feelings can be in that situation as well! Fun to read, and please continue to put the great effort in your future works as you did in this one!

  2. I enjoyed reading your blog about van gogh. It was interesting that you used street lights to compare his life. Indeed, he was a sad person, but we know that during his time, his brother Theo was there to help him. He is one of those inspiring people in history, that we may never forget. Great job Danielle! You can give interesting examples to explain things very easily. Great job!

  3. What a wonderful blog. I don't think Van Gogh was crazy, I think he was just misunderstood. Nobody liked his different perspective of art so he reacted crazily. His life was hard from a child to an adult and you're right you can't blame him for going mad.Everyone rejected his beautiful paintings and drawings and didn't care for them. I liked how you described and compared Van Gogh's life as a road trip. Our life and a road trip are very similar. I enjoyed your opinions and thoughts.
    Great Job!!
    Thanks for sharing a great piece of writing!

    Christina Z

  4. Awesome! I love your blog Danielle! It showed so much feeling and care for Van Gogh which really means you put a lot of effort into this blog. I think it was a good read and the only thing I can say about it is awesome because you even related it to the traffic lights. Cool blog Danielle!

  5. Nice blog Danielle! It was really entertaining and fun to read. I agree with you because it was really interesting of all the beautiful quotes he left behind. I loved how you mixed your feelings and facts together. You're a very great writer. This is one of the best blogs on Van Gogh.

