Tuesday April 26, 2011
The Princess Bride

The Princess Bride is one of my favourite movies and now it is one of my favourite books. After reading the novel and watching the movie again I realized that a lot of events in the story were changed. For one thing, in the novel, Buttercup only realizes that she likes Wesley after she notices the countess staring at him. When Buttercup becomes jealous of the countess she figures out that she likes him. In the movie Buttercup likes him because he is always so nice to her and does what she asks him to do, no matter how silly the request was and never complained. Another difference was when Vizzini, Fezzik and Inigo kidnapped Buttercup and she jumped out of the boat and into the lake sharks attempt to kill her in the book. When in the movie, shrieking ells try attack her. Later in the story, when Prince Humperdinck found Buttercup and Wesley as they escaped the evil embrace of the Fire Swamp, that was also changed. Humperdinck threatens to kill them if Buttercup does not leave with him to go to the castle, in the book; Buttercup decides to go with Humperdinck because, as Wesley said, she would rather live with her prince than die with her love, and Buttercups respond to that was, "I would rather live than die," and with that she leaves Wesley for Prince Humperdinck. In the movie all Buttercup cares for is Wesley's safety and leaves him because she wants to keep him alive. At the end of the story, Buttercup and Wesley have tied Prince Humperdinck up they escaped on four white horses with Inigo and Fezzik. I saw the movie first so I was totally shocked when I read the ending of the book. In the movie they all escape without any harm and live happily ever after. But in the book it doesn't exactly end that way. In the book after they escape the castle they hear the sound of the prince and his guards in pursuit of them. After that everything goes wrong; Wesley collapsed and Inigo's sward wound reopened and they can't go on. Just before the guards are about to kill them, pirates run out of the woods and scare away the prince and his men; only then are Wesley, Buttercup, Inigo and Fezzik safe.
Usually this is the other way around, but I liked the way things were changed in the movie because it made some characters seem nicer and made it a better adventure to enjoy.
By: Christina P
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