Monday, January 24, 2011


Math: Chapter 7. 7.3 Reflections  Pages 239 #12-15

Novel Study:  The entire assignment is due on  next Wednesday February 2nd, 2011.

You will complete it in school and at home. We have broken it into aprts that should be worked on everyday. Today we worked on part 1 A and B.

Part 1 Character

A) List all the characters in the novel. For each one explain why they are major or minor characters in your opinion.
B) Pick your favourite two characters. For each of them, write 5 adjectives that you think describe them well. For each adjective, write the synonym and antonym.
Review, revise and edit part 1 A and B . If you are planning on typing up the assignment, you should type today's classwork at home and save to your flash drive.

(Don't leave this to the last minute.)  Use class time and homework time wisely.

Part 2 Plot
There are 6 different types of problems or conflict in stories. These are: (1) Person vs Person, (2) Person vs. Self, (3) Person vs Society, Person vs Animal (5) Person vs Nature and (6) Person vs Supernatural

A) Write one paragraph about the main problem of the story. Which type of problem does the protagonist Holling Hoodhood face? Be sure to give reasons for your choice.
CAUTION: Do not forget your novels at home as you will need it for language class.

*Get History Test and Language quizzes signed.
The Outline for entire novel assignment

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