Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Universal Soldier
    This poem is about soldiers from all over the world. It includes different heights and different weaponry. This poem is very special to me. They talk about all soldiers in one person. It speaks to me and I can't explain how much I love it. I know they don't want to kill, but they want to protect their friends and family.

    The second stanza is about the different backrounds of the soldier. It mentions Canada, France, USA, Rusia and Japan. I think the author is trying to tell us that she disagrees with the last line. "And he thinks he'll put an end to war this way." I don't think you can solve violence with more violence. It's down right impossible to do so.

    The third stanza is about what he is fighting for. Is he fighting for democracy(fairness and equality)or fighting for the reds(the king and queen and unfairness)? "He says it's for the peace of all." Again, I do NOT know why you would have violence to stop violence. It is like killing people to try and stop murders. You are only hurting yourself. For the last line, it was hard for me to figure out. It was kind of confusing. When I looked it up, I went,"OHHH. So that's what it means." It means you never see what's coming next,like, say if I hit someone(not that I would), that person who I hit would probobly hit me back. If I didn't I wouldn't see the writing on the wall.

    The fourth stanza is about how would have Hitler condemned Jews at Dachau. Without the soldiers, we don't know half the stuff Hitler would have continued. IF people carried on his ways, what would the world be like? Horrible to live in, that's what the world would be like. It also speaks about the soldier giving himself as a weapon to the war. I agree; when you are a soldier, you might as well as be a big gun. Without the people controlling the gun, the gun wouldn't work and war would not go on. They give themselves to work the gun and be a weapon.

    The last stanza is about how we can not stop war by doing more actions of violence. I do not think that soldiers are to blame for war. They do do the actions of violence that cause war, but they get their orders from the generals. Where do they get their orders from? They get their orders from politictions. Where do polititions get their orders from. US. Some people want more from different places and tell polititions, then they tell govners, then they tell the army. I think if we try, we can put an end to war and the world will be at peace.


  1. Great blog! I agree when you say that the wars happening in the world are not the soldiers fault but more their Generals or leaders. I think you gave a good meaning to each of the stanzas and it is very awesome the way you do that.

  2. I think this blog was wonderful! It had lots of descriptive words that people usually don't use and you added your own opinion in it. This blog was a pleasure to read, but there was one flaw. Where's your name?
