Halloween Blog
My best Halloween would probably have to be last year. I would have to say last years because, I went with my friends instead if my little sister Alexa. So instead of going with her I went with my friends Colin, Matthew, Marcel and Sean (I think).
We all gathered at Colin's house before we left, so we would know who was with us. When we were all there we left to go trick or treating (hopping to get lots of candy). I thought of this as a candy filled journey. As we were on this journey I started to get a little bored so I decided to go to all the houses and say "hi I'm a people's person". The people at the doors probably thought I was really dumb for saying that but whatever.
We all ended the journey with a lot of candy, chips, chocolate etc... About half way through my bag got to full so I had to get a second bag just so I could fit all the candy in. I'm pretty sure that I was the only one that got a second bag but Marcel might have also got one.
After we finished getting all our candy and when we were done having fun on the streets, we all went back to Colin's house and played some Xbox. Since there was about 5-6 of us there we had to take turns. So it took a little bit too finally play. But then when some of the kids started to leave we got more time to play because we didn't have to take turns anymore.
But then I eventually had to leave too. But it was okay cause on that Halloween night I had a lot of fun with my friends!
And that has been my favourite Halloween! Well so far anyway.
By: Tyler
Great blog Tyler! I definitely would have went with my friends rather than my little sister. But I probably would not have been able to go play with my friends because it was a school night. Your Halloween was much better than any I have had in my life.