Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Van Gogh
Vincent van Gogh was an amazing artist who had no fame while he was alive.  I find it sad that his paintings were not selling until after he had died, and I wonder why that is.  Why would people wait until after van Gogh died to display his beautiful pieces of art?  I have no answer, but I think that if you liked his paintings after his death then you should have liked them before his death.  People did not understand his art and they often rejected van Gogh's pieces, which I think played a part in his death.  When you believe you are unwanted or unimportant it can make you feel like giving up.  What I find interesting and inspiring about van Gogh was his passion and perseverance for something that he loved, but no one appreciated.  His career as an artist was only ten years, but he accomplished a lot in that short period of time.  He made about nine hundred drawings, and over one thousand paintings.  No matter how many times people turned down his art, van Gogh still painted and drew wonderful masterpieces.  I am amazed by his skill because I can't draw to save my life.  Most impressive is the fact that van Gogh was self-taught, having taken only a few art lessons.  He had natural and raw talent that people should find inspirational.  Never give up.  At first you don't succeed, try, and try again.  

By: Ashley


  1. I absoloutely agree with you! I mean what changes your mind if someone you hate dies and then you instantly love them when they die?
    I personally think that the people who dislike his art are looney too. I really like how you put your opinion in with the facts and information. It was a really good job.

  2. .......THAT WAS SO AWESOME,I LOVED IT the words just seem to flow wiht you.Everhting was so beautiful everthing just..fit perfectly and nicely. I completely disagree with you, you can draw, you can not only draw to save your life you can draw to save any of our lives. I loved it! :)

  3. WOW. That was such an amazing blog. I like how you talked about his life like a minibiography but you added a lot of your own thoughts and feeling. I really appreciate knowing others' opinions. Detailed and clear, your blog was a pleasure to read and everything flowed. The one thing I disagree is..the fact that you said you cant draw! Come on Ashley! You CAN draw! And like you said in your blog, even though YOU think you can't draw, "If at first you don't succeed, try and try again!"

  4. Wow that blog was amazing Ashley! You should never give up on what you are doing and I believe Van Gogh thought the same way based on what you said in your blog. No artist of these days could ever match Van Gogh's painting skill and in the amount of time he did this in he would have been the richest man in the world!

  5. Great blog! You should never give up on something that you love and enjoy doing. It is hard to continue if everyone is being negative and discourages you. Van Gogh was an amazing artist and was just misunderstood in my opinion. It is inspiring that with all the negativity Van Gogh did accomplish many great paintings. Van Gogh was alone in the world and you are right that must have played a part in his death. Very deep story!
    Thanks for sharing

    Christina Z

  6. Awesome blog Ashley! I agree it was sad that Van Gogh's paintings were not selling until after his death. His paintings were so great that I can't even think of a word to describe them. This blog was awesome because it had your opinions and it had facts. Great job!

